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Team members queing for Dosa's

A Summer Social to Remember: Our Team’s Gathering at Aston Down 

What Made This Summer Social Special?  This summer social was an amazing chance for the whole team to gather at the Aston Down office together. It is always nice to get together as a whole group and be able to catch up with everyone in person. The weather at Aston Down really showed up for us as well! We had some great sessions covering lots of different topics, that the whole team got involved in, thereby enhancing the Summer Social. There was also plenty of time for enjoying the sunshine, playing games, and having some fantastic food.  Days like these are a […]

A Summer Social to Remember: Our Team’s Gathering at Aston Down  Read More »

Baby Bundle Update 

Since October 2022, Cloud Perspective began working closely with Stroud District Kids Stuff to provide newborn baby bundles to families in need in the area. Here’s an update on what’s happening. What’s a Baby Bundle? Each newborn bundle contains essential items for a family welcoming a new baby. The items are a mix of donations and new products, all sourced by parents who know their stuff. The teams have taken special care to provide the most needed items, which can be personalized depending on the family’s needs. Each month, we prepare and pack seven bundles, which we then deliver to

Baby Bundle Update  Read More »

A group of smiling people sitting around a boardroom table looking at a presentation

A Day To Remember: Team Building And Insights From Our Manchester Core Day 

Introduction  In the fast-paced world of technology, taking a moment to step back, connect, and reflect as a team is great. That’s precisely what we did during our recent core day at our Manchester offices; a day filled with insights, collaboration, and, most importantly, fun.  MORNING: Energised Beginnings Our day started bright and early, with the team gathering at Beehive Lofts in Manchester. The agenda was packed with interactive sessions designed to foster creativity and innovation, and by the end of the day, we were buzzing with new ideas and perspectives. Usually dial-in, the All-Hands meeting was held in person,

A Day To Remember: Team Building And Insights From Our Manchester Core Day  Read More »

Cloud Perspective welcomes Fiona to the team!

Tell us a bit about your time before Cloud Perspective  I graduated from the University of Glasgow in June and joined Cloud Perspective at the end of September. I studied statistics and really enjoyed it as the subject of my degree. I knew coming out of university that I was keen to use the data-handling and analysis skills that I had developed in whatever career I went into, so I started looking for jobs in the data and technology sector.   I didn’t know exactly what job I was hoping to find, but after reading up on what it means to

Cloud Perspective welcomes Fiona to the team! Read More »

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